Pretty shiny
You definitely went to quite a bit of effort to fulfill all the elements required to make a sturdy game right there. I can tell that there was plenty of time and though put into it by putting effort into the little things like backdrops and humorously long haired "beach babes".
It seems like it's really hard to come up with original 2 dimensional side scroller-type games now days with the remaining areas that are untouched running out. You managed to find one of these, a simple concept with plenty of levels and a sort of competition that just makes you insult yourself if you can't manage to beat the normal version.
Which draws me to my next point. You've incorporated a non-frustrating control scheme into a humorously animated concept with non stop suspense in it, and the only way you can stack onto this club sandwich: is by adding replay value. Looking down on the previous comments it seems as if a vast majority of those who had begun to play this game had felt the urge to go for the total banana and go for each of the medals too. Whether it's just thousands of overly competitive people gathering coincidentally to play this one game and comment, or this game has done it's job in drawing others to beat themselves personally.
In my opinion, this game has definitely achieved it's goal and deserves to be recognized as such. Adding features like Lava Mode and Speedrun gave the game even MORE replay value, a feature that most console games lacks immensely. 10/10. Very good work!